It has been said that the light stealers were the first creatures that
ever came to be on Solstice. But it is
more truthful to say that Solstice came to be because of the light
stealers. Light stealers are misnamed,
as Ylumya’s light is always given freely, but the light stealers are an impish
lot and enjoy playing the rascals. They
are also extremely social creatures and can only survive in the company of
their kind. The bonds they form with one
another are so strong, so tangible, that matter flowed in and around them,
growing slowly until they were all connected by the ground from which Solstice
Light stealers come in an untold array of shapes and in every one of
the thousands of shades in the spectrum.
Each family group has its own ‘personality’ and many are happy to share
their glow with all creatures. There are
also more reclusive varieties that are very adept at hiding and are rarely seen
by people. Most light stealers continue
growing until they die which can take hundreds of years and there might even
still be ‘stealers alive that were here before the beginning.
In addition to glowing, the light stealers also sing although most
people have trouble hearing anything other than a buzz or hum. They sing to each other constantly; they even
sing as they slumber the day away, and it is that song that binds the little
particles of Solstice and holds them together.
They are the wisest of Oneno’s creations because they understand that
substance is in fact not at all substantial and everything hangs on wispy
threads of sheer belief.
It is ironic, because the light stealers made Solstice, that the
blooded creatures which had sprung up profligately did not even know of the
light stealers’ very existence for centuries.
It wasn’t until the Second War of the Twins, when the girls were
fighting over the torch. That particular
skirmish set the torch on its perpetual path up, down and around Solstice. Until that time, the land had always been
bathed in light and it was all the blooded creatures knew. So when the torch started dipping that very
first time over the eastern edge of the land and the sky began to darken
ominously, no one knew if the light would ever come back.
The creatures panicked as they had never been cold before, never before
been blind. But just before the torch
disappeared completely, something amazing happened. The ground all over Solstice exploded into
islands of warm colorful light, throwing back the darkness and revealing the
glory of the light stealers for the first time.
The first night passed with joy instead of fear, which they would never
have known if they had not been thrust into the darkness.
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